Saturday, March 15, 2008

March '08 Meeting

Hey everyone,

Sorry we had to postpone our meeting this month because of the snow last week. Mother nature doesn't always cooperate with us. At least we were able to still have it though. Just later than we liked.

Let's see ... what to talk about first? I have a lot of things to tell you this time. Let's start with our new member. Her name is Leah. I meet her through She had started a meetup group there for anyone interested in fiber arts but found it wasn't easy to get a lot people to come to meetings. She doesn't have the meetup group anymore but decided to come to our meetings after I invited her. I'm glad she came. It was fun meeting her. She is going to tell the people she meet on about our group encase they would like to start attending.

Here's the photo we had taken at this meeting:

Unfortunately Judy had to leave the meeting early and missed out on being in the picture. Sorry Judy. :(

The next thing I want to tell everyone about is the "Shearing Day" that some of us are going to next Saturday. I think I've email everyone about it but I wanted to make sure everyone knows about it. I think it will be a lot of fun to attend. Here's the info I got off of

Please email us to RSVP. We would like to know how many of knitters are coming. We will have rovings and yarn as well as other stuff in our shop!

Millennial Way Farm
“Shearing Day”
Easter Weekend March 22nd- 2008 (9 am- 12 pm)

Bring your friends and family and have good wholesome family fun! Make some memories!

Spotted Jacob Sheep and Alpaca Shearing
Spinning Demonstration
Angora Rabbit Grooming Demonstration
Children’s Craft Area
Light Refreshments Available
Shopping at our Studio Gift Shop
Angora Bunnies Available

Admission: $5 per person $25 per family

21001 Lake Vista Drive Roland, Arkansas 72135 (501)-868-7299
*Near Pinnacle Mountain State Park* or

So far we have five of us who plan on going to this. I hope more can come. If you haven't told me yet that you are coming. Please let me know so I can email them.

The last thing I wanted to tell everyone about is I've been on there for about a month now. It's a wonderful knitting and crochet community. If I can get enough of us on there I would like to start a Yarn Dolls group on it. I think I could get more people to join our group that way. It's a great place to meet people. It also has a lot of great information on it too. I have found more up-to-date info there on Yarn Shops in Arkansas than I have found on any other site.

Well, that's all for this time. Oh, wait! I forgot to tell you that I've updated the Arkansas Yarn Shop links on the side of the web page here. I found out one of them closed and another one changed their web address. O.K. I'm done now. :)

I hope to see a lot of you next week!



Anonymous said...

Hey everybody~
Well I sure had fun Saturday and it was nice to meet a new fiberlover... Leah! I am really excited about seeing the Alpaca, Jacob Sheep, and Angoras sheered.. I LOVE alpaca yarn.. Mmmmmmmm

See you guys Saturday

Anonymous said...

It was great to meet you all at the last meeting. I hope I will see you this Saturday at the Millennial Way Farm Shearing Day. I won't be needing to carpool with anyone as I'll be spending Friday night in Conway, taking care of my nieces, Sierra and Victoria. The three of us will be going together to the Shearing Day. I'm looking forward to it!


Unknown said...

Hi. I'm new to this area and would love to know more about your group. if you could please email me at thank you!